COLLODION TINTYPES "The Original Instant"
with Karen Stentaford
May 10-12, 2024 (Workshop has been filled)
This 2.5 day workshop will offer participants a hands-on introduction to making tintypes using the wet plate collodion process that dates back to 1851. The process is immediate and the one-of-a-kind images on metal are magical. The basics of darkroom set-up in a studio or on the road, preparing, exposing, processing, and varnishing plates to achieve best results will be introduced. All materials and equipment will be provided. Participants who are not very familiar with view cameras will be offered an additional tutorial on large format photography on the morning of May 10.
Day 1 – Intro to View cameras (morning-optional) and Intro to Collodion process (afternoon).
Day 2 – Preparing chemicals, coating, exposing and processing tintypes.
Day 3 – Introduction to glass plates. Varnishing tintypes.
Recommended for: Photographers with previous experience with analogue darkroom photography. Previous experience with Large format photography is beneficial but not required.
Group size: 8 participants
Program fee: 80.000 ISK
Fee includes: All materials, camera equipment, darkroom facilities and weekend lunches. Participants should bring their own apron and safety glasses. Price does not include accommodation, however rooms have been pre-reserved for participants at Hafaldan hostel.
*This workshop is currently full but you may apply to be put on a waitlist or contacted for future workshops.

Karen Stentaford is an artist and educator from Atlantic Canada based within the greater territory of Mi'kma'ki. A specialist in Large Format photography and the wet plate technique, she works in a variety of photographic-based media exploring place, belonging, and memory. Karen received a MA in Photography from the Edinburgh College of Art and holds the position of Assistant Professor, Department of Fine Arts, at Mount Allison University in Canada. She has worked in Iceland on several occasions and will undertake a second residency with Ströndin Studio during Ljósmydadagar á Seyðisfirði in May 2024.